When it Comes to Ag Tech, You Need Insights That Give You a Head Start
That’s why the R7® Field Forecasting Tool uses high-powered modeling so you can more precisely and efficiently manage nitrogen, potassium and water in-season. Predict yield better and make strategic input decisions at various growth stages. Protect your investment and get the advantage you’re after.
FFT measures:
- Plant biomass accumulation
- Water, nitrogren, and potassium stressors
- Rainfall amounts
- Growing degree days
- Solar Radiation
These factors all play a role in growth rates and overall plant health.
Boots on
the Ground
FFT takes into account measurements taken by the user to help improve accuracy of the model. Nutrisolutions tissue samples calibrate the nitrogen and potassium levels and give users a better look at other potential nutrient deficiencies in the plant.
The multiple scenario chart in FFT allows users to look at a range of application dates and rates to determine when a potential nutrient application will have a positive ROI. Determine what applications can be made to help capture “opportunity bushels" and increase field ROI.
Yield Gap
FFT helps users recognize the yield potential of their fields.
- Maximum yield
- Predicted yield
- GAP yield
Gap Yield is the number to focus on and includes the “opportunity bushels” available to be captured during the current growing season.
FFT Pricing
No per acre fees, just one simple price.
Not ready to buy yet?
Contact us to ask about a free FFT trial on one of your fields.