Get the Most Coverage from your Fungicide

May 25, 2021

Corn Leaves

Good spray coverage means good disease control

When you invest in a fungicide application, you want to ensure you’re maximizing its disease control potential. One way to do that is by adding an adjuvant like MasterLock® to the tank mix. MasterLock optimizes droplet size to reduce drift potential and help ensure more product penetrates into the canopy. It also contains a surfactant to cover more leaf surface area. That helps ensure you’re getting the most value from your fungicide treatments. WinField® United Answer Plot® data has shown a 5.7-bushel-per-acre average yield increase in corn when MasterLock is added to the spray tank along with a fungicide, compared to using a fungicide alone.

Effective disease control depends on good fungicide coverage. It’s not about the ounces of product per acre that you spray — what’s important is that the active ingredient is actually reaching the plant. Improve fungicide performance by adding MasterLock to your tank. Contact us to learn about other ways to maximize the return on investment potential of your fungicide applications.

*National average difference between fungicide application at R1 and untreated control. 2019 Answer Plot program data

Use the form below to contact an agronomist on MasterLock®


David Fiene

Vice President, Business Development



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