Premier Co-op
January Energy News
Happy New Year, everybody! Where does the time go? I can’t believe a year has gone by since I broke my last New Year’s resolution. This year I resolve to make no more resolu...
As we finish out the year, most of you have completed a successful harvest, spending many hours in the combine or grain cart. During that time, you likely reflected on a few different things. The first thing being how your crop progressed from seed to harvest. You may have considered factors such as stands, emergence, early season weed control, insect impact, nutrient deficiencies, and nitrogen loss. During harvest, you might have noticed issues like rootworm damage, stalk quality, weeds, and disease pressure. The big question is whether these factors affected your yield and how to improve your crop management next year. There may be many answers to that question but one that we can offer is to contact your Premier Cooperative Agronomist. With training, field experience and technology our team has the knowledge and resources to help achieve your goals next year.
Similar to the last two years, we will be having “Year End Prepay Days” where we offer one-on-one appointments. These appointments ended up being very efficient and timely for all, giving us time to prepare in advance for the appointment and locking in a time for yourself to help in your day-to-day schedule as well.
Please call today and set up a time to meet and review your 2025 crop input needs and discuss your prepay options. The Premier agronomy staff will work to accommodate a time that best suits your request.
Thank you for your continued patronage in 2024 and we look forward to a mutually profitable 2025. All of us at Premier Cooperative wish you and yours the Merriest Christmas and the Happiest New Year!