Premier Co-op
January Energy News
Happy New Year, everybody! Where does the time go? I can’t believe a year has gone by since I broke my last New Year’s resolution. This year I resolve to make no more resolu...
We began distributing this year’s patronage and equity redemption checks with our May open house events in Mt Horeb, LaFarge, and Westby. With a little help from Mother Nature, we were lucky to have beautiful weather and an even better turnout for each open house. If you were not able to stop in to pick up your check this year, you should see it arrive in your mailbox by mid-June. Checks began getting mailed the last week of May and could take a couple of weeks to complete.
In addition to returning a record amount of cash back to our members, posting successful financial results year over year allows Premier to continue reinvesting in our people and facilities, supporting agricultural and youth organizations throughout the communities we serve, and awarding thousands of dollars in college scholarships each year. These are just a few examples of what your cooperative does with the profits it generates to benefit its members, all while continuing to grow and add new members every day. It’s a great story to tell.
During the month of June, we will also complete sending out our propane contracts and safety mailings for the coming heating season. With the never-ending volatility surrounding the global energy markets, and contract prices now near last year’s levels, be sure to choose from one of the many contracting options we offer to lock in your supply and prices for the upcoming year. As Tim writes about each year, the peace of mind you’ll have knowing you won’t have unexpected price spikes next winter is well worth the few minutes it will take to complete and return a contract. If you do not purchase propane from us, or do not receive a contract by the end of June, please give our nearest energy office a call and our staff will take care of you. If you receive a packet in the mail, please be sure to open the safety information and share it with your entire family. Thank you for supporting our energy team and for helping your cooperative become one of the leading propane suppliers in the United States.
Have a wonderful Father’s Day and June Dairy Month. Please remember to support our hardworking farmers by consuming as much dairy, meat, eggs, and local vegetables as you can. Have a great month.