From the Manager's Desk

May 02, 2024


May 2024

Despite the possibility of a few more nights of sub-freezing temperatures in the last week of April, our agronomy locations are not slowing down as they enter their busiest season. Our agronomy division and producer members are working hard to plant this year’s crop, with long days and short nights being the norm. It’s important to be extra cautious during the next couple of months. Farm machinery will be frequently entering and exiting fields and wide loads will be encountered on the road. Whether you’re driving to work or moving to the next field in your tractor, always be aware of your surroundings and never assume that others can see you. Take it slow and be safe.

Soon, we will begin the process of our annual patronage and equity distributions to our customers/members. As a cooperative, our customers are our owners. Instead of profits going to Wall Street investors, our shareholders are our friends and neighbors right here where we all live and work. Whether feeding your herd, growing crops, heating your home, maintaining a fleet, or topping off your gas tank and shopping at our hardware stores, you all share in the benefits of the products and services the cooperative provides and the profit it generates. This year, we will be returning over $6 million to our customers based on our fiscal 2023 results. Qualified customers may receive up to 3.6% of their 2023 purchases back in cash.

To give a little perspective, a 3.6% cash return to members means that they will be getting about 13 cents per gallon back on gasoline and diesel, 6 cents per gallon on propane, and about $20 per ton on feed or fertilizer. In general, eligible members can receive up to $3.60 for each $100 of purchases. 

We will kick off patronage distribution this year with an open house on Friday, May 17 at our Mt Horeb Do it Best store. The following week, checks will be available at our LaFarge Service Center on Wednesday, May 22, and then again at our Westby Ace Hardware on Thursday, May 23. Following the last open house, any remaining checks will be mailed. Please see more details on the open house events later in this newsletter.

Our propane division is hard at work compiling contracting options for the next heating season. In June, we will begin emailing and mailing contracts to over 12,000 propane members that purchased at least an average of 400 gallons or more during the last two heating seasons. While some of our business units may not be easily accessible to all members, propane is the one division that can reach everyone reading this update. If you use propane to heat your home, business, or power your vehicle and are not currently purchasing it through Premier, please consider making the change. We would love the opportunity to earn your business and show you why we consistently rank as one of the top propane companies in the country. As an added benefit, since you are already a member of Premier – a cooperative that you own – all purchases count towards your share of the annual patronage distribution mentioned above. 

I’d like to wish all moms out there a Happy Mother’s Day on May 12. With Memorial Day later this month, I hope everyone has a chance to honor the brave men and women who have sacrificed their lives to protect all of us and this great country. Have a wonderful May.

Matt Severson


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