Premier Co-op

Fertilizer and VRT
Focus on Efficiency: Fertilizer and Variable Rate Technology A farmer’s key to maintaining that profitability into the new year will be managing costs. That does not necessaril...
With post emergent herbicide applications upon us for corn and soybeans, it is important to put together the right tank mix so you can eliminate weed pressure before it impacts yield potential. While selecting the right herbicides and rates is always top of mind, don’t forget to include the right adjuvant package in your tank to ensure the active ingredients reach your intended target. Depending on the herbicides you choose, a water conditioner, surfactant and/or drift control agent might be required to prevent mixing problems and off target movement.
To improve uptake and proper placement of the herbicide, use Class Act NG as the water conditioner and adjuvant along with Interlock as a drift and penetrant agent for superior results. For more information and proper use of both products contact your Premier Agronomist.