Mineral Season & Management

Mar 01, 2024


Planning for Spring

I wanted to start out my article introducing myself as I am new to the company. My name is Avery Bermel, Premier’s new Beef Cattle Consultant. Hailing from Nebraska, I grew up in the cattle industry, actively involved in the cow-calf community. With experience at a Hereford seedstock producer and a local feedlot, my journey continued at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture, where I earned my associate degree in Animal Production Management. I then pursued a bachelor’s degree in animal science with a focus on beef nutrition at South Dakota State University, graduating in December 2023. Shortly after, I made my way to Wisconsin, where I have since started my journey with Premier as a Beef Cattle Consultant. I am very excited to get to know you all and help you manage your beef herds. 

Spring is the start of calving in most of the nation and especially here in the Midwest. Spring also brings May turnouts to grass and the start of the fly season. It’s good to think ahead and plan for this busy spring by putting out mineral for your cattle.

With calving here, it is important to understand that this is a very stressful and energy loading time for our cows, heifers, and calves. A lactating cow with a calf on her side is at her largest nutrition requirements. A first-calf heifer is still trying to grow, feed a calf at her side, and eventually grow next year’s calf all at the same time. A newborn calf is better set up with better immune function when the mother was previously on minerals. For all these reasons, getting adequate amounts of minerals in your cattle is very important. Consult with your nutritionist to make sure you have a concrete plan on how you’re going to attack this year’s mineral program. 

The warmer weather brings flies and the need for prompt implementation of your fly management strategies. There is roughly a 60-day window prior to pasture turnout when Altosid should be fed to your cattle. Other management practices such as oilers, pour-ons, and fly tags can assist you during peak fly season. If you notice ongoing fly issues, take a look at your mineral placement. Mineral that is placed close to water increases intake while mineral placed farther away from where cattle usually gather decreases intake. Cattle’s intake of mineral with Altosid is vital in getting complete fly control and the best overall results. 

Reach out to your Nutritionist today to discuss your mineral needs and the best options for you and your business. Don’t forget to take advantage of our mineral promotion going on now to get our lowest prices on minerals. Let’s work together to take the steps to get you and your business ready for calving, pasture turnout, and fly season!

Avery Bermel

Beef Cattle Consultant


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