Use technology tools to support in-season decision-making​.

Nov 15, 2021

Ag tech tools

Set yourself up for success.

Making good seed decisions starts with leveraging the data that’s best suited for your operation. Ideally, this means fusing national data with highly localized data from your region or your farm specifically. ?Although you never know what the season will bring, the highest odds of success come from managing the seed as recommended.

One hybrid selection tool you can leverage to narrow down the field of seed choices is the WinField® United Characterization Charts (CHT Tool), which contains up to three years’ worth of Answer Plot® trial data. This allows you to compare CROPLAN® hybrids against those from other major companies based on soil type, crop rotation, plant population and management practices. Even if you already know which hybrids you want to plant, be sure to consult the CHT Tool to understand how to best manage those hybrids to derive optimal yield potential.


For more information on technology tools and data that can help inform your seed choices, contact your local Premier agronomist.?


Joel Johanningmeier

Winfield United

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